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Recently, FBRN has seen an increase in surrenders of fad-color Frenchies. Many of these dogs have health issues that must be addressed before they can be adopted. That is nothing new for us. Many of our foster dogs require extensive vet care regardless of whether or not they happen to be a fad color. Indeed, it is difficult to say whether the increasing surrenders of fad-color dogs are due to health problems related to the dog's coloring, or if there are just more fad-color dogs in the general population. Regardless, we feel that we, as a group dedicated to the well-being of French Bulldogs, should address the issue of fad colors.

ios永久免费加速器推荐First, let's define the term "fad color". Also referred to as "non-standard" colors, "fault colors" and (by unscrupulous breeders trying to sell dogs for inflated prices) "rare" or "designer" colors, a fad color is any color that does not conform to the breed standard. According to the French Bulldog Breed Standard published by the American Kennel Club, the acceptable colors for the French Bulldog are white, cream, and fawn (ranging from light fawn to a red fawn). Allowable markings and patterns are: brindle (yep, brindle is a marking pattern, not a color), piebald, black masks, black shadings, and white markings. Dogs of any other color and pattern do not meet the breed standard.

And yet some breeders loudly proclaim that they specialize in "rare colors". Website upon website advertises blue, blue fawn, chocolate/liver, Isabella/lilac, merle, sable, black, black and tan, blue and tan, blue brindle... the list goes on. We would be only mildly surprised to see "highlighter yellow" or "bubblegum pink" Frenchies hit the market at this point.


The proliferation of fad colors is so recent, we do not yet know what health problems might be associated with each new color. What we do know so far is:

• Blue and lilac coat colors are the result of color dilution, which is caused by a recessive mutation in the melanophilin gene. A rare skin condition called color dilution alopecia, in which excessive pigment clumping causes breakage of the hair shafts and abnormal or stunted hair growth, seems to affect only dilute-colored dogs. There are currently three known variants of this mutation, but it is assumed that there are others that are as yet undiscovered, because the known variants do not account for all color dilution in the French Bulldog. It is too soon to tell what health effects might come part and parcel with these unknown variants.

• Pure black French bulldogs with the dominant black (K-gene) mutation of the CBD103 gene will pass it on to their offspring. This can eventually wipe out all fawn in the bloodline... No more fawns, no more brindles, just black. Solid black dogs are not the only ones who could cause this phenomenon. Solid blue and lilac dogs could also have the dominant black mutation in combination with a dilution mutation, and would also eventually wipe out the traditional coat colors.

• According to the UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, merle dogs, especially "double merle" dogs, have an increased chance of deafness and serious eye abnormalities. Additionally, double merle dogs can have multiple abnormalities of skeletal, cardiac and reproductive systems. It should be noted that the purebred French Bulldog gene pool does not carry the merle gene. All merle "French Bulldogs" have been produced by introducing another breed, usually a chihuahua, into the mix.

Is it possible for a breeder of fad-color Frenchies to produce relatively healthy, sound dogs? Yes. A fad-color breeder can employ scrupulous selective breeding and genetic testing. It seems, however, that the majority of fad-color breeders are not selecting for healthy, conformationally sound bloodlines. They are not investing in the health and genetic testing commonly practiced by reputable breeders. They are merely breeding dogs that carry a certain color because they can convince members of the public to pay exorbitant prices for dogs with an unusual appearance. They are driven by profit, not a commitment to produce healthy dogs.

Let's face it... French Bulldogs are not among the healthiest of breeds. They have a well-documented high incidence of allergies, intervertebral disk disease, hemivertebrae, hip dysplasia, brachycephalic airway syndrome, cleft palate, and so on. This begs a couple of questions. Firstly, why introduce further risk factors? Secondly, if some breeders are selecting for coat color above all else, aren't their puppies more likely to suffer from the myriad of health issues that conscientious breeders are trying to weed out of the gene pool? Is that why we are seeing an increased number of fad-color Frenchies in rescue?

Obviously, we are not trying to discourage people from applying for a fad-color rescue Frenchie if they feel that they can offer the little guy or girl a great home. That dog will have been spayed or neutered, so she or he will not be propagating the potential problems. Besides, s/he is just as deserving of a second chance at a good life as any of our other little frogs. We just ask that people be cognizant of the potential for far-reaching damage that irresponsible breeding and fad colors can cause to the breed we all adore.

For more information about fad colors in the French Bulldog, please visit the following:
The French Bulldog Club of America web page at
VCA Animal Hospitals web page at
UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory web pages at and A+游戏加速器ios最新版下载APP-A+游戏加速器永久免费内 ...:2021-3-18 · A+游戏加速器 应用类型:系统工具 软件版本:v2.1 文件大小:22.10MB 发布时间:2021-03-18 14:07:33 苹果下载 安卓版下载 扫描二维码下载 应用截图 应用介绍 A+游戏加速器ios最新版是目前市面上独树一帜的加速器,由“杭州斯凯网络科技游戏公司”制作,官网。
Webb, Aubrey A. and Cheryl L. Cullen. Coat color and coat color pattern-related neurologic and neuro-ophthalmic diseases. The Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2010 Jun; 51(6): 653–657.



French Bulldog Rescue Network




Extra, extra; read all about it!! FBRN's cutest Mogwai, Gizmo, is still available and looking for her perfect match. Sure, she might need a little extra TLC but that's what the sweetest of the sweet gremlins deserve! This is her encore appearance with FBRN, having originally been surrendered due to hind-end paralysis and incontinence. She was then with her adoptive family for about a year before returning to FBRN foster due to the inability to gain weight. With a quality, allergy-friendly diet, she is now at her perfect weight. And if she has a hankering for a late-night snack, rest assured she can be fed after midnight. She can also get wet (there can only be one true Gizmo anyway!); in fact, regularly scheduled medicated baths (and monthly Cytopoint injections) are required to prevent skin issues from multiplying.

At only 6 years old, Gizmo is in the best years of her life. She loves people, loves snuggling, loves playing with the resident dogs...there isn't much she doesn't love (maybe riding in the car and noisy vacuums). While she is crate trained and content to snuggle, she also wants you to know that her hind-end paralysis doesn't slow her down. Not only does she spend supervised time in her mobility cart but she also has her very own favorite game lovingly named "Chase the Pig." The rules are fairly simple: Gizmo is allowed to go "free butt" (sans diaper) outside while her human foster sister and friends are "it" and chase her around the grassy backyard. Gizmo absolutely loves it and always wins.

Some people may think that a "cart-dog" is a lot more work but Gizmo makes it seem relatively conventional because she is so laid back and comfortable with the routines needed to keep her happy, healthy, and comfortable. So, will you be the Billy to her Gizmo? This sweet gal is so deserving of a loving and committed family of her own so spread the news far and wide or, better yet, 腾讯加速器免费版下载-腾讯加速器免费版手机下载-Appfound:《腾讯加速器免费版》帮你免费解决网络延迟、卡顿问题,让你在游戏中获取到更加稳定的游戏对战玩法操作,腾讯加速器免费版帮你解决在游戏中的各种网络问题,可伍说是一款非常值得下载使用的手游加速软件,并且操作简单轻松。




We’ve been fielding requests for a summer-weight popover for years and we’ve finally found the right fabric – a lightweight stretch jersey with a UPF50 rating that blocks 98% of the sun’s UV rays. Super comfortable indoors and out and perfect for all sorts of applications beyond sun protection too: skin conditions, wound care, topical medications, and as an anti-anxiety calming aid that can be worn all day.  

Check them out HERE!



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These flotation jackets can be used for any water adventures you may have with your pup. Whether boating, hanging out around a pool, or just playing on the lakeshore, you will feel secure knowing you have provided your Frenchie with added protection.

Check them out HERE!




For more information,
go to our Facebook page!


FBRN's mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home French Bulldogs in need from commercial breeding kennels, import brokers, public shelters, private rescue groups, owners or Good Samaritans. Our organization is comprised solely of volunteers who nurture and foster these dogs as well as provide education and training. Our goal is to place healthy and happy French Bulldogs into forever homes.

**FBRN does NOT use Facebook messenger to communicate. Any communication will come through email. Please never share any personal information with anyone who indicates they are a volunteer unless it is coming through the correct channels. If you have received a FB messenger message, please send it to so we are aware.**
